Cynosure Elite MPX is a multi-modality laser that can treat skin imperfections such as extra hair, superficial varicose veins and brown spots on the skin simultaneously. This laser system is made by a company called Cynosure and it has three different products in it:
- Alexandrite laser
- Neodymium YAG laser
- Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)
Cynosure Elite MPX combined with all three of these is a cooling device that protects the skin called the Zimmer cooler. Anytime a doctor uses any of these lasers, it is directly attached to the cooling device to protect the skin being treated. The Alexandrite laser is used for hair removal. The Neodymium YAG laser is used for vein removal. The IPL is used for brown spots.
The aging process tends to bring about visible changes in the body that most people would like to hide, or remove, such as veins, brown spots and hair growing from parts of the body where it was never seen in earlier years. In the past, these conditions required separate procedures to treat them. Cynosure Elite MPX can perform multiple cosmetic procedures at once.
Cynosure Elite MPX Features:
- Permanent hair reduction on all skin types and tanned skin
- Facial and leg vein treatment
- Treatment of benign epidermal pigmented lesions
- Photo-aged skin
- LaserFacial
Cynosure Elite MPX Included:
- IPL Handpiece with 530nm, 560nm, 590nm IPL Filters
- Spot sizes for Alex & Yag: 3mm, 5mm, 7mm, 10mm, 12mm, & 18mm
- Key
- Interlock
- Guages
- Filters
- (2) Operator Eyewear
- (2) Patient Eyewear
- Warning Sign
- Footswitch
- Operator Manual
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Cynosure Elite MPX Specifications:
- Alexandrite
- Wavelength:755 nm
- Pulse Width:0.5 – 300 msec
- Fluence Per Spot Size
- 18 mm:22 J/cm2
- 15 mm:30 J/cm2
- 12 mm:40 J/cm2
- 10 mm:50 J/cm2
- 7 mm:60 J/cm2
- 5 mm:60 J/cm2
- Rep Rate:10 Hz
- 1064 Nd Yag
- Wavelength:1064 mm
- Pulse Width:0.5 – 300 msec
- 18 mm:27 J/cm2
- 15 mm:40 J/cm2
- 12 mm:60 J/cm2
- 10 mm:90 J/cm2
- 7 mm:160 J/cm2
- 5 mm:240 J/cm2
- 3 mm:300 J/cm2
- 1.5 mm:600 J/cm2
- Rep Rate:10 Hz
- Multiplex
- Wavelength:755 nm + 1064 nm
- 15 mm:32 J/cm2
- 12 mm:50 J/cm2
- 10 mm:70 J/cm2
- 7 mm:100 J/cm2
- 5 mm:200 J/cm2
- Rep Rate:1.5 Hz
- Intense Pulsed Light
- Wavelength:530 – 1200 nm
- Pulse Width:6-20 msec
- Max Fluence:24 J/cm2
- Spot Size:5 cm2
- Filters:530 nm, 560 nm, 590 nm
- Rep Rate: 1Hz
- Aiming Beam:Red
- Skin Cooling:Zimmer Chiller
- Size:46″ x 17.25″ x 32.4″
- Weight:298 Lbs
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