Agilent 6460 LC/MS with 1260 Infinity HPLC System is equipped with Agilent Jet Stream Technology to enable enhanced sensitivity. The 6460 provides a fast and robust solution to simultaneously quantify, screen, and confirm analytes in the laboratory.
Agilent 6460 LC/MS with 1260 Infinity HPLC System offers the widest choice of modules for analytical HPLC. Reliable instrumentation combines with latest column technologies and advanced supplies to guarantee robust separation and detection performance.
Easy column handling and superior sample logistics, from sample submission to data analysis, ensure fast turnaround times and highest instrument utilization. Seamless method transfer and stepwise upgrade paths facilitate risk-free integration in current infrastructure, for non-disruptive transition to highest performance within the confines of your budget.
Agilent 6460 LC/MS with 1260 Infinity HPLC System Features:
- Greater signal and reduced noise – Agilent Jet Stream technology uses super-heated nitrogen to improve ion generation and desolvation
- Efficient analysis – fast MRM speeds allow for analysis of over 100 overlapping compounds in a given retention time window
- Screen, confirm and quantify – Triggered MRM (tMRM) combines fast and sensitive MRM quantitation with the generation of a product ion spectrum for library searching and compound screening and confirmation
- Fast polarity switching for analysis of both positive and negative ions
Agilent 6460 LC/MS with 1260 Infinity HPLC System Included:
- Agilent 6460 Triple Quad LC/MS
- ESI Source
- Agilent 1260 HPLC
- Solvent Tray
- Degasser
- Autosampler
- Binary Pump
- Thermostat
- Thermostatted Column Compartment (TCC)
- Mechanical Pump
- Data System
- Warranty Coverage
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Agilent 6460 LC/MS with 1260 Infinity HPLC System Specifications:
- MRM Sensitivity Signal-to-Noise: 1pg of reserpine injected: S/N>10,000:1
- MRM Sensitivity Signal-to-Noise: 1pg of chloramphenicol injected: S/N>3,000:1
- Mass range: m/z 5 – 3,000
- Polarity switching: 30 ms
- Mass resolution: Full width at half maximum 0.7Da
- Mass accuracy: 0.1 DA from 5 – 1,000 m/z, 0.01% from 1,000 – 2,000 m/z, 0.02% from 2,000 – 3,000 m/z
- Mass stability: < 0.1 DA in 24 h
- Dynamic range: > 6.0 × 106
- Maximum scan rate: 12,500 Da/s
- Minimum M.R.M dwell time: 1 ms
- MRM transitions: 450 per time segment, > 13,500 ion transactions per method
- Dynamic M.R.M transitions: 4,000 ion transitions per method
- Collision cell ion clearance: < 1 ms
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